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Art & Greenspace 
Urban Space Lab AS engages artists, agriculturists, researchers and landscape architects in site-specific interventions. Our approach looks for novel ideas for art and greenspace in order to develop the city. Each urban space has a unique identity and every region has talented artists. We then broker interdisciplinary meetings to generate concrete ideas.


Psychology of small wins 

Our general philosophy focuses on small wins to help break down a large goal into manageable chunks. Small interventions boost self-confidence and lays the foundation for future successes. Our method deals with the practical details of testing new ideas.

Creative partnerships 

Once ideas are formulated, we develop experimental projects. In this way, the process of creative thought becomes a catalyst for innovation. We form partnerships and raise funds. Our collaborative projects in the cultural and education sectors hope to network with international partners. In that way, we grow to encompass a larger ambition and wider influence.

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